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Special Announcement
Kerr County is Currently in Stage 3 Drought Conditions

STAGE 3 Goal: 30% reduction in water use.


                                        Required Practices for Stage 3 Drought;

A.  Limit the irrigation of landscaped areas including lawns, parks, athletic fields, and golf courses to two days per week, the designated watering hours between 8:00 PM and 10:00 AM. Irrigation systems, automatic sprinkler timers, hose end sprinklers, hand held watering, and any other watering practices, shall be reduced to provide a 30% reduction in the normal volume of water used or pumped for Stage 3.


B.  Under Drought Stage 3 Conditions: The following uses of water are defined as non-essential, is prohibited.


  1. Washing down any sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts, or other hard-surfaced areas.

  2. Washing down buildings or structures for purposes other than immediate fire protection.

  3. Pumping of Groundwater into ponds, lakes or reservoirs for the purpose of enhancing the appearance of the landscape.

  4. Washing any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer or other vehicle other than a public safety vehicle on a premises other than a commercial car wash or service station and not in the immediate interest of public health, safety, and welfare.

  5. The filling of swimming pools. Groundwater may be added to pools to replace water lost due to use or evaporation.

​                                     _____________________

The Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District is part of the Hill Country Priority Groundwater Management Area and was created by House Bill No. 1463, Chapter 693, Acts of the 72nd Texas Legislature in January 1991. The District was organized to protect the underground water resources of Kerr County. It registers and permits wells drilled in the county and investigates the aquifers to determine appropriate plans for future development.


The Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District (HGCD) mission is to develop, promote, and implement water conservation, augmentation, and management strategies to protect the water resources of the District as a sustainable resource for the benefit of its citizens, economy, and environment.


Groundwater Conservation Districts
The creation of groundwater conservation districts is authorized by state law (Texas Water Code, Chapter 36) and such districts are empowered and charged to conserve, preserve, protect, recharge, and prevent waste of groundwater resources within their boundaries. Groundwater conservation districts are the state’s preferred method of groundwater management

Headwaters GCD Organizational Information


Meeting Documents

Here you can review and download the District's most recent agendas, notices and other important documents available to the public.


Financial Information

The Headwaters GCD provides many financial documents for public view to include tax rates, district audits, budgets and other pertinent reports. 


Helpful Resources

Whether you need to find a State or Local agency or maybe just some general info on the groundwater district, the Resources Page has it all.


District Water Data

There is a ton of data collected in operating the District. Here you'll find information on droughts, well levels, and other helpful statistics that the District tracks.

Officers and Directors

One Headwaters board member is elected from each of the four county commissioner precincts and the fifth member from anywhere in the county. Terms of service are four years. Elections occur in November of even numbered years. Citizens interested in running for election may contact the Headwaters office for further information. See the About Page for Board of Directors photos.


Director Precinct 1,  Jeff Wendling
Term Expires: December 31, 2028


Director Precinct 2, Chris Childs
Term Expires: December 31,  2026


Director Precinct 3,  Kenneth Wilke
Term Expires:  December 31, 2024


Director At-Large, John Elliott
Term Expires: December 31, 2024


Director Precinct 4, Laurie Lowe
Term Expires: December 31, 2026

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Water is the driving force of all nature.

Leonardo da Vinci

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